Trademark symbols (TM) ™, (R) ®, (SM) ℠, (copy-paste)

Trademark TM symbol ™ (text sign/character)

A Unicode TM ™ 'Trade Mark' sign/symbol, readily used on most systems, browsers, and applications. Select and copy-paste anywhere as needed.

This symbol indicates an unregistered trademark. After registration the symbol 'Registered Trademark' takes its place.

Registered Trademark (R) ® symbol (text sign/character)


A Unicode (R) ® 'Registered' sign/symbol (R circled), readily used on most systems, browsers, and applications. Select and copy-paste anywhere as needed.

This symbol indicates a registered trademark.

Trademark TM emoji


You can copy-paste and use it on most social media and mobile devices. Some will display it as a simple symbol; while others, as emoji. The support in a desktop environment is limited (as for all emoji), although some browsers and applications do fully support them.

Keep in mind that every platform shows emoji slightly differently, therefore it is better to use the simple Unicode trademark tm symbol.

Trademark symbol for a service (SM / Service Mark) ℠

A Unicode SM ℠ 'Service Mark' sign/symbol, readily used in most systems, browsers, and applications. Select and copy-paste as needed.

This symbol indicates an unregistered service. After registration the symbol 'Registered Trademark' takes its place.

Books to expand your knowledge on the subject of trademarks

  1. Understanding Trademark Law, Fourth Edition
  2. Intellectual Property: The Law of Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents, and Trade Secrets
  3. Trademark and Unfair Competition in a Nutshell (Nutshells)

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How to type the trademark ™ symbol on a keyboard

How to type the Registered Trademark ® symbol on a keyboard

How to use the trademark ™, ®, and ℠ symbols, signs, logos

Example with trademark ™

Example with Registered Trademark ®

Example with Service Mark ℠

Differences between Unicode trademark symbols vs trademark emoji

Trademark symbol ™ Trademark emoji ™️
  • Is a simple text-like Unicode symbol, highly supported on all platforms and systems.
  • Appears exactly the same, anywhere.
  • Is an advanced representation of the Unicode symbol with a Unicode combination, supported mostly on mobile devices and social media.
  • Appear slightly different on every platform. Every browser and mobile-device brand has a different representation.

Information about this page

All the trademark symbols are on this clean and easy-to-use page. You can use the Unicode trademark symbols almost anywhere, the support is virtually universal because these basic Unicode symbols are like text characters. In contrast, the trademark emoji is an advanced representation of symbols, called Emoji. Trademark emoji may not appear on all systems and browsers.

This page helps users get and copy-paste the trademarks symbols. It also teaches the use of these signs and how to type the TM symbol ™ and R circled symbol ® on a keyboard.

For more information about trademarks etc, visit this help page on the Unites States Patent and Trademark Office website.

You may also want to check the related copyright symbols.

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